- T9 - automatic word recognition
- Tailgate
- Tailpipes, washing
- Talk button (multi-function steering wheel) 1, 2
- Technical data
- Telephone mode
- Telephone mode, activating
- Telephone number
- Telephone settings
- Teletext
- Television
- Temperature display
- Temperature selection (automatic air conditioner)
- Temperature selection (deluxe automatic air conditioner)
- Textile covers, cleaning
- Text messages
- Text message settings
- Time setting
- tiptronic (automatic gearbox) 1, 2
- TMC/TMCpro traffic information, playing
- TMC message
- Tools 1, 2
- Top categories
- Top tether and ISOFIX (securing child seats)
- Torque
- Tour plan
- Tow-away protection
- Tow-starting 1, 2
- Towing
- Towing away
- TP 1, 2, 3
- TPMS (tyre pressure monitoring system)
- Track display
- Track info
- Tracks
- Traction control system
- Traffic announcements
- Traffic announcements, calling up
- Traffic announcements, recording
- Traffic information 1, 2
- Traffic programme
- Traffic safety
- Traffic sign recognition
- Trailer
- Trailer stabilisation (towing a trailer)
- Transferring calls
- Transmit caller ID
- Transporting the vehicle
- Tread depth
- Treble (sound) 1, 2
- Trim and mouldings, cleaning
- Trip recorder, resetting
- Tuning to a TV channel
- Turning light
- Turn signals
- TV channels
- TV mode, activating
- TV standard
- Type plate
- Tyre Mobility System
- Tyres