- ►Paddle levers (automatic gearbox)
- ►Paint damage
- ►Paint No.
- ►Panorama sun roof
- ►Park assist
- ►Parking aid
- Parking aids
- ►Parking (automatic gearbox) 1, ►2
- ►Parking brake
- ►Parking information
- ►Parking lights
- Parking system
- Particulate filter
- ►Particulate filter (diesel)
- ►Pause (audio/video file) 1, ►2
- ►Pausing/resuming playback 1, ►2
- ►Pedals
- ►Pedestrian protection system
- ►Performance figures
- ►Petrol
- ►Petrol station message
- Phone book
- Phone pre-installation
- Phoning
- ►Picturebook navigation
- ►Picture destinations
- Player
- Playing
- ►Plug-in hybrid
- Plug-in hybrid drive
- ►12 Volt battery
- ►Activating the drive system
- ►Air conditioning
- ►Audi connect e-tron services
- ►Auxiliary air conditioning
- ►Auxiliary heating/air conditioning
- ►Charging battery
- ►Charging dock
- ►Charging system PIN
- ►Charging time
- ►Coolant
- ►Deactivating the drive system
- ►Efficient driving
- ►Energy flow display
- ►EV mode 1, 2, 3
- ►High-voltage battery 1, 2
- ►High-voltage system
- ►Jump-starting
- ►Manual release of charging connector
- ►Operating modes 1, 2, 3
- ►Power availability
- ►Power meter
- ►Starting the Audi A3
- ►Statistics
- ►Status indicators
- ►Switching ignition on/off
- ►Tank capacity
- ►Tool kit
- ►Transporting the Audi A3
- ►Tyre repair kit
- ►Warning and indicator lamps
- ►Point of interest search
- ►Polishing
- Pollen filter
- ►Pollution filter
- ►Portable player, connecting/disconnecting
- ►Power management
- ►Power meter
- Power steering
- Preheating (glow plugs)
- ►Pre sense
- ►Presentation mode
- ►Pressure (tyres) 1, ►2
- Protective mat
- ►Public contacts, displaying