- ►Safelock mechanism 1, ►2, ►3
- ►Safety
- ►Safety interlock (ignition key)
- ►Safety systems (warning lamp)
- Screen
- ►Screwdriver
- ►SD card readers
- ►Seat belts
- ►Seat heating 1, ►2
- Seats
- ►Secure simple pairing
- Security
- ►Security central locking
- ►Seek up/down (radio)
- Selecting a source
- ►Selecting a waveband
- Selecting source
- Selector lever (automatic gearbox)
- ►Self-help
- ►Sending tone sequence
- Service interval display
- ►Service intervals
- Service position
- Settings
- ►SETUP (basic settings)
- ►Setup MMI (system settings)
- ►Short-term memory
- ►Short dialogue
- ►Side assist
- ►Side lights
- ►SIM card reader 1, ►2
- Ski bag
- Smartphone
- ►Snow chains
- ►Software licences
- ►Software version
- ►Spanner
- ►Spare key
- Special destination
- ►Speech dialogue system
- ►Speed display (navigation)
- Speed limits
- ►Speedometer 1, ►2, ►3
- ►Speed warning
- ►Speller
- ►Sport mode
- ►Star button
- ►Start/stop system 1, ►2
- ►START ENGINE STOP button (convenience key) 1, ►2
- Starting (engine)
- ►Starting with jump leads
- ►Station list
- ►Station name (radio)
- ►Station sorting (radio) 1, ►2
- Steering
- Steering wheel
- ►Storage compartments 1, ►2
- ►Storage location (directory)
- ►Storage net
- ►Stretch net 1, ►2
- ►Subwoofer (sound)
- ►Summer time
- Sun roof
- ►Sun visors
- ►Supplementary heater (vehicles with diesel engine)
- ►Suspension control
- ►Switching between calls 1, ►2
- Switching between tabs
- Switching off (engine)
- ►Switching the ignition on/off (with key)
- Symbols
- ►System settings
- ►Systems (sound)
- ►System update
- S tronic gearbox