Instruction book Audi A3 Version Year 2013
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Audi MMI  Controls   Speech dialogue system
Important: A mobile phone must be connected to the MMI Link, and the Telephone menu must be open Link.
(A) Function
(B) Say:
Calling a contact from the directory
Call (XY), e.g. Call John Smith
Dialling a specific number stored for a contact
Call (XY) business | private | land line | mobile,
e.g. Call John Smith private
Dialling a phone number when an address card is open
Call | Call business number | Call private number | Call land line | Call business mobile
Displaying call list
Call list
Calling the last number dialled
Dialling a telephone number
Enter number > phone number in blocks of individual digits when requested, e.g. 0744 12 345 67 > Dial
Correcting an entered phone number
Delete number | Correction
Displaying contact information
Directory > desired contact when requested,
e.g. John Smith
Calling up the favourites
Favourites > Line (XY)
Listening to voice mail messages
Call mailbox
Entering the SIM PIN code
Enter PIN > enter PIN in individual digits when requested > Store
Correcting an entered PIN
Correction | Delete PIN
  • If you have a mobile phone that transmits first names and surnames separately, you can select directory contacts both by entering the full name ("first name, surname" or "surname, first name") and by saying only the first name or surname.
  • For more information on which mobile phones are supported, please go online (e.g. or contact an Audi dealer.
Engine Oil 1L Longlife - Audi Fleecejacke - Audi Mug Audi Beanie - Audi all-weather floor mats Genuine Audi Interior Cargo Organizer

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