Applies to: vehicles with navigation system
Select: right control button > Navigation settings.
Depending on the function selected, you can use the following settings:
Display alternative routes
When this function is switched on
, up to three route suggestions are displayed on the map link►.

Fuel warning
When the fuel gauge is in the reserve zone, a message will appear when this function is on
. A list of nearby filling stations will be displayed when you confirm this message. When you select one of the filling stations, the route to its location will be calculated based on the current position of your car.

Trailer mode is switched off when the vehicle leaves the factory.
When this function is switched on
, the MMI will take the speed limit for vehicles towing a trailer into account and the calculated arrival time will be adjusted accordingly. Trailer mode is indicated on the map s legend menu by the symbol

Personal route assist*1)
The personal route assist function is switched off by default in the factory settings.
When this function is activated
, your trips are recorded and destinations are suggested by the MMI system link►.

The personal route assist is indicated by the symbol in the status line of the infotainment display.
Arrival notification*
The arrival notification is switched off when the vehicle leaves the factory.
When this function is switched on
, the MMI will inform you when you are approaching selected special destinations (e.g. imported myAudi special destinations). You can also have a sound played using the Play notification tone function.

Delete myAudi special destinations*
Destinations that you import from your myAudi account to your MMI are automatically saved. You can delete them individually or all at once.
Use the Presentation mode to plan and "drive" a journey effectively on the infotainment display without the need to move the vehicle. You can choose your start location manually ( Select start location) if, for example, you would like to calculate a route starting from a different position than the current position of the vehicle. Start the Presentation mode to simulate a route guidance.