Instruction book Audi A6 Hybrid Version year 2012
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 Audi A6, A6 hybrid, S6   Self-help   Self-help  Changing a wheel
Some preparations are necessary before changing a wheel.
If you have a flat tyre, stop the car well away from moving traffic. Choose a location that is as level as possible.
All passengers should leave the car. They should wait in a safe place (for instance behind the roadside crash barrier).
Apply the parking brake to stop the vehicle moving accidentally.
Engage first gear (manual gearbox) or move the selector lever to position P (automatic gearbox).
If you are towing a trailer, unhitch it from your vehicle.
Take the tools Link and the spare wheel* Link out of the luggage compartment.
If you have a puncture in moving traffic, switch on the hazard warning lights and place the warning triangle in a visible location. This is for your own safety and also warns other road users.
If you have to change the tyre on a gradient, block the wheel opposite the wheel being changed by placing a stone or similar object under it to prevent the vehicle from rolling away.
  • Please observe the relevant regulations.
  • The jacking mode* must be selected before changing a wheel so that the automatic air suspension control functions do not interfere with the jacking-up procedure Link.
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