Instruction book Audi A6 Version year 2015
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Audi MMI  Rear operation  Rear Seat Entertainment (Audi tablet)   How to use
Audi tablet: Illustration of menus and symbols
Fig. 1 Audi tablet: Illustration of menus and symbols
Applies to: vehicles with Audi tablet
(B) Symbol / marking
(C) Description
Home screen with Audi apps
To call up Audi apps.
Signal strength bars for MMI connection
The Audi tablet is connected to the MMI system. The reception strength is displayed.
Signal strength bars for Wi-Fi connection
The Audi tablet is connected to a Wi-Fi network. The reception strength is displayed.
Battery level
Shows the charge level of the battery. The lightning symbol is displayed while the battery is being charged Link.
Back button
To go back one step or to call up the home screen.
Home screen button
To call up the home screen with Audi apps.
Task manager button
To open the task manager and switch quickly between open apps Link.
Audio share
Important: The Audi tablet must be connected to the MMI system.
When this function is activated, the audio is output over the vehicle's loudspeakers Link.
To open the Bluetooth settings on the Audi tablet Link.
MMI connection/Wi-Fi connection
Indicates whether the Audi tablet is connected to the vehicle or an external Wi-Fi network and provides quick access to the corresponding settings.
To open the Audi tablet settings Link.
Quick settings
Tap on a function for quick access to the corresponding menu in the Audi tablet settings Link.
To activate/deactivate a function quickly (e.g. Bluetooth), tap and hold the function.
Message centre/mini player
Displays current system information and provides context-sensitive control symbols for playing media Link.
Context-sensitive options menu
Display of functions for current menu or for current selection.
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