Instruction book AUDI Q7 VERSION OF YEAR 2017
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Audi Q7  Setting off Towing a trailer Driving the vehicle...
Driving with a trailer always requires extra care.
Do not drive faster than 80 km/h. If the trailer has a stabiliser, you can drive up to 100 km/h. Please observe any other regulations applicable in the country in which you are travelling.
The stability of the car and trailer is reduced with increasing speed. For this reason it is advisable not to drive at the maximum permissible top speed in unfavourable road, weather or wind conditions. This applies especially on a downhill gradient.
You should always reduce speed immediately if the trailer shows the slightest sign of swaying. Never try to stop the swaying by accelerating further.
Try to avoid towing a loaded trailer with an unladen vehicle. If this cannot be avoided, drive extra slowly to allow for the unbalanced weight distribution.
Always brake in good time. Change to a lower gear before going down a steep hill so that you can use the engine braking effect to slow down the vehicle .
When using a trailer with an overrun brake, apply the brakes gently at first and then firmly. This will prevent the jerking that can be caused by the trailer wheels locking.
Coolant temperature
Keep an eye on the coolant temperature gauge link, especially in hot weather and when climbing long hills. Remember to shift to a higher gear in good time.
Electronic stabilisation control (ESC)
The ESC – in particular in conjunction with the trailer stabilisation system link – makes it easier to stabilise a trailer if it starts to skid or sway. You should therefore keep the ESC switched on at all times.
Constant braking will cause the brakes to overheat and will considerably reduce the effectiveness of the brakes. It will increase the braking distance and could cause the brake system to fail.
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