Applies to: Audi Q7s with tyre pressure monitoring system
If the indicator lamp
lights up, the tyre pressure is too low compared with the reference value. Adjust the pressure of the relevant tyre(s) at the next opportunity and store the pressures link►.

If the indicator lamp
lights up and the message Flat tyre! Safely stop Audi Q7. Please check all tyres and store pressures in MMI appears, the tyre pressure has reached a critical level compared with the reference value. Avoid unnecessary braking and steering manoeuvres. Adapt your driving style to the prevailing conditions. As soon as you can do so safely, stop and check the tyre(s). If it is possible to continue driving, you should take the Audi Q7 to a qualified workshop and have the defective tyre(s) repaired or replaced immediately.

Please observe the important safety information and notes link►.