Instruction book AUDI Q7 VERSION OF YEAR 2015
Engine Oil 1L Longlife - Audi Fleecejacke - Audi Mug Audi Beanie - Audi all-weather floor mats Genuine Audi Interior Cargo Organizer
Audi Q7 Infotainment Navigation Entering a destination
Applies to: Audi Q7s with navigation system
Press the NAV/MAP button repeatedly until the Enter destination menu is displayed Fig. .
Select: left control button > Enter address.
  • To enter a destination via the country: Select and confirm Country. Select a country from the list and confirm it. Or: Search for a country via the entry field.
  • To enter a destination via the town/post code: Select and confirm Town/post code. Enter a town or a post code. Or: Select and confirm a town from the list.
  • Select and confirm additional details for the destination such as Street, House number or Centre. Select and confirm Start route guidance.
Engine Oil 1L Longlife - Audi Fleecejacke - Audi Mug Audi Beanie - Audi all-weather floor mats Genuine Audi Interior Cargo Organizer

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