Instruction book AUDI Q7 VERSION OF YEAR 2015
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Audi Q7 Infotainment Audi connect emerg... Online roadside assist...
Applies to: Audi Q7s with Audi connect emergency call and service
Calls for roadside assistance can be made in two different ways.
Fig. 229 Front headliner: Roadside assistance call button
Fig. 229 Front headliner: Roadside assistance call button
Manual roadside assistance call
Press button -2- Fig. 229. The LED will light up in red and the roadside assistance call will be placed.
If you press button -2- accidentally, simply press it again. Or:
Select and confirm Cancel/End call on the infotainment system.
The Audi Q7 electronics detect if a minor accident has occurred. You can then choose between Call online roadside assistance or Call emergency number on the infotainment display.
Select one of the options and confirm it by pressing the rotary pushbutton.
If the roadside assistance call is dropped due to a poor connection, the system will re-connect automatically.
Engine Oil 1L Longlife - Audi Fleecejacke - Audi Mug Audi Beanie - Audi all-weather floor mats Genuine Audi Interior Cargo Organizer

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