Instruction book Audi Q7 Version year 2010
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 Audi Q7   Controls   Seats and storage  Luggage compartment
Applies to vehicles: with load guard
The load guard prevents objects in the luggage compartment from being thrown forward into the passenger compartment.
Hooking into place
Hook the load guard into the retainers Fig. 1 -B-.
Tighten the securing belts -C-.
Hooking into place with backrest folded down
Fold down the backrests Link.
Hook the load guard into the retainers Fig. 1 -A-.
Tighten the securing belts -C-.
Changing position
Move the load guard to the desired height Fig. 2 -D-.
Loosen the securing belts.
Disengage the load guard.
You can move the load guard up and down as desired. This allows you to transport long items securely using the load-through feature, with the load guard remaining in place.
  • When securing the load guard the securing belts must be facing towards the rear.
  • You must unhook the load guard again before you return the backrest to the normal upright position.
  • The load guard can also be secured to the adjustable fastening rings* Link.

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