Instruction book Audi Q7 Version year 2010
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 Audi MMI   MMI control console   Using the telephone  Other settings for the phone pre-installation
Important: You must be talking on the phone Link.
Select: Control button Options.
Switching microphone on/off
Your caller cannot hear your private conversations when the microphone is off. You can still hear the caller. Mike off appears in the MMI display.
Answering a further call
If you are already talking on the phone when someone else calls, the options Answer and Ignore will appear on the MMI display.
If you select Answer, the active call will be placed on hold and you will receive the incoming call. If you select Ignore, the incoming call will be declined.
Replacing a call
If you already have a call on hold and are talking to a second caller when a third call is received, the options Replace and Ignore will appear on the MMI display.
If you select Replace, the active call will be replaced by the incoming call. If you select Ignore, the incoming call will be declined. The call on hold will remain in the hold queue.
The display in the MMI may remain for several seconds afterwards (depends on your type of phone). Should you use the function Replace or Ignore in the MMI system during this time, it is possible that the current call will be ended.
The option Call waiting must be activated on your mobile phone for you to be made aware of incoming calls during a conversation. The call options depend on your mobile network service provider.

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