Instruction book Audi Q7 Version year 2010
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 Audi MMI   MMI components   Media drives  Jukebox
Important: The media mode must be activated Link, and there must be music files stored in the jukebox.
Press the function selector button marked SETUP.
Turn the rotary pushbutton to Delete jukebox and press to confirm.
Turn the rotary pushbutton to Select all files/folders or select individual files/folders and press the rotary pushbutton.
To delete the selected files/folders, turn the rotary pushbutton to Starting deletion... in the highest directory level and press the rotary pushbutton.
Turn the rotary pushbutton to Yes and press to confirm. The deletion progress will be indicated on the MMI display.
You can select all files in a folder for deletion by turning the rotary pushbutton to a folder and pressing and holding the rotary pushbutton.
During the deletion process the playback of the jukebox is interrupted; it is started again automatically once the deletion process has been completed.
If you experience restricted functionality of the jukebox, reset it to the factory settings Link.

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