Instruction book Audi Q7 Version year 2010
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 Audi MMI   MMI components   Media drives  Jukebox
The MMI system is equipped with a jukebox with 10 GB memory capacity for audio files. The jukebox is started and operated via the MMI Link.
For more information on the characteristics of the supported data formats, please refer to Link.
  • Please note that audio files are copyright-protected. When handing over your vehicle e.g. to a new buyer, reset the jukebox to the factory settings Link.
  • If the current altitude of your vehicle rises above approx. 3000 metres, the hard disk of the MMI system will be switched off temporarily (as a protective measure). The navigation function and jukebox are not available during this period. All of the MMI functions will be available again the next time you start the engine at an altitude below 3000 metres.

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