Instruction book Audi Q3 Version year 2014
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 Audi MMI   Controls  Speech dialogue system
Important: The Navigation must be open Link.
You can say the following commands to enter a destination:
(A) Function
(B) Say:
Calling up a navigation list
Last destinations | Favourites
Calling up your home address
Home address
Entering a destination
Enter destination > name of town, street and house number, e.g. "London, Edgware Road 131".
Individual commands for entering a destination
Country | Town | Post code | Street | House number | Centre
Making corrections while entering a destination
Navigating to a contact
Navigate to (XY), e.g. Navigate to John Smith
Navigating to a specific address
stored for a contact
Navigate to (XY) business address | Private address,
e.g. Navigate to John Smith business address
Starting route guidance when an address card is open
Navigate | Navigate to private address | Navigate to business address
Starting route guidance after entering a destination
Start route guidance
Cancelling the active route guidance
Stop route guidance
The following special destinations can be set directly as the destination
Next Audi Service | Next railway station | Next airport | Next hotel | Next hospital | Next parking space | Next service area | Next restaurant | Next petrol station
Changing the search area for entering a special destination
Special destination > enter desired search area when requested > Top categories | In immediate vicinity | In vicinity of route | In vicinity of destination | In vicinity of stopover | In new town | Nationwide
Entering a special destination in the selected search area with assistance from the system
Special destination > Audi Service | Railway station | Airport | Hotel | Hospital | Parking space | Service area | Restaurant | Petrol station
Entering a special destination in the selected search area directly
Special destination > enter special destination and search area, e.g. "Find petrol station in immediate vicinity"
Entering an online destination in immediate vicinity directly
Special destination (XY), e.g. "Online destination Palace Hotel"
Google1) search in immediate vicinity/in vicinity of destination
Online destinations > In immediate vicinity | In vicinity of destination > the desired online destination, e.g. "Palace Hotel" > Line (XY) | Show on map > Start navigation
Google1) search in a new town
Online destinations > In new town | the desired town > the desired online destination, e.g. "Palace Hotel" > Line (XY) | Show on map > Start navigation
You can say the following commands to make additional navigation settings:
(A) Function
(B) Say:
General map options
Map | Day map | Night map | Additional info off
Map type
Position 2D map | Position 3D map | Destination map | Overview map | Google Earth map* | Traffic map
Map orientation
Orientation north | Orientation in direction of travel | Orientation automatic
Changing map display
Map larger | Map smaller
Automatic map zoom
Automatic zoom | Automatic zoom off
Changing map scale
Scale (XY) metres/kilometres/yards/miles
Displaying the route list
Route list
Switching the navigation cues on/off during active route guidance
Voice guidance on | Voice guidance off
Dynamic traffic avoidance
Dynamic traffic avoidance on | Dynamic traffic avoidance off
Route criteria
Fast route | Economical route | Short route
  • Depending on the selected menu language and the country you are in, you may have to spell destinations to enter them for route guidance.
  • Please observe the notes in the chapter Notes on Audi connect Link.
1) Provider at the time of print

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