Instruction book Audi A8 Version year 2013
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 Audi A8   Self-help   Fuses and bulbs  Bulbs
Applies to Audi A8s: with xenon headlights
Make sure that the ignition and the lights are switched off.
Carefully insert the headlight part of the way.
Reattach the connector and vent hose.
Slide the headlight into the guides -A-. When installing the headlight, ensure that the mountings on the headlight are located between the washers -B-.
Slide the headlight into its original position so that it is flush with the adjacent body parts and securely seated.
Tighten the three screws Fig. 2.
Refit the trim panel Fig. 3.
Take particular care not to damage or scratch the adjacent parts of the body when removing or installing the headlights.
Engine Oil 1L Longlife - Audi Fleecejacke - Audi Mug Audi Beanie - Audi all-weather floor mats Genuine Audi Interior Cargo Organizer

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