Instruction book Audi A8 Version year 2013
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 Audi A8   Controls   Hybrid  Hybrid drive
Applies to Audi A8s: with hybrid drive
Instrument cluster: Energy flow display
Fig. 1 Instrument cluster: Energy flow display
Infotainment system: Energy flow display
Fig. 2 Infotainment system: Energy flow display
The energy flow of the hybrid drive is shown on the instrument cluster display and on the infotainment system display; it is animated on the infotainment system display.
Instrument cluster display
Press the button on the multi-function steering wheel.
Scroll and press the thumbwheel to select Hybrid from the Audi A8 functions menu.
Infotainment display
Select: Function selector button MENU > control button Hybrid Fig. 2.
(A) Component
(B) Colour
(C) Meaning
-1- Combustion engine
Combustion engine running

Combustion engine off
-2- High-voltage battery
Charge level of the high-voltage battery

(animated in infotainment system)
High-voltage battery being charged

Audi A8 not ready to be driven
-3a- Movement arrow
Electric driving

Driving with combustion engine

Driving with combustion engine and electric motor (boost)
-3b- Movement arrow
Engine Oil 1L Longlife - Audi Fleecejacke - Audi Mug Audi Beanie - Audi all-weather floor mats Genuine Audi Interior Cargo Organizer

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