Instruction book Audi A8 Version year 2013
Engine Oil 1L Longlife - Audi Fleecejacke - Audi Mug Audi Beanie - Audi all-weather floor mats Genuine Audi Interior Cargo Organizer
 Audi MMI   Rear operation   Rear Seat Entertainment  Notes on video playback
If the same video source is selected for both RSE displays, both the sound and picture will be played on both displays (complete playback).
If different video sources are started for the two RSE displays, only certain picture/sound playback combinations are possible, depending on the type of the selected video sources.
Complete video playback (sound and picture) on both RSE displays
Select a video DVD in the DVD drive as the first video source, then select one of the following sources:
  • DVD changer*
  • TV tuner*
  • External AV input*
  • Audi music interface with AV adapter cable*/iPod adapter cable plus*
Sound reproduction only on the second RSE display
For the second video source, only the sound is played if you:
  • Start a video DVD from the DVD drive as the first source and select a video file from the jukebox or an SD card as the second source.
  • Start a video file from the jukebox as the first source and select the TV tuner* or a video file from an SD card, the Audi music interface with AV adapter cable*/USB adapter cable*/iPod adapter cable plus* or the external AV input* as the second source, and vice versa.
  • Start a video DVD/video file in the DVD changer* as the first source and select the TV tuner* or a video file from the jukebox, SD card, Audi music interface with AV adapter cable*/USB adapter cable*/iPod adapter cable plus* or the external AV input* as the second source.
No picture/sound playback on the second RSE display
If a video file from the jukebox, an SD card or the Audi music interface with USB adapter cable* is already being played on one of the RSE displays, it is not possible to play a video DVD from the DVD drive on the other RSE display.
Engine Oil 1L Longlife - Audi Fleecejacke - Audi Mug Audi Beanie - Audi all-weather floor mats Genuine Audi Interior Cargo Organizer

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