Instruction book Audi A7 Version year 2010
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 Audi A7 Sportback   Controls   Parking aid  Park assist
Applies to vehicles: with park assist
The arrows in the display show the required direction of travel.
The section below describes how to park parallel to the roadside. The procedure for parking perpendicular to the roadside is similar. The display Fig. 1 will appear if the park assist detects a parking space.
Drive forwards until the display changes Fig. 2.
When you are sure that the parking space is suitable and the vehicle is in the correct position, you can start reversing into the space Link.
  • If there are suitable parking spaces on both sides of the road (for instance on a one-way street), you can choose which side you want to park on by operating the turn signals on that side of the vehicle.
  • The best parking results will be achieved if you position the vehicle as parallel as possible to the line of parked cars or the kerb before you start the actual parking manoeuvre.
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