Instruction book Audi A7 Version year 2010
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 Audi A7 Sportback   Controls   Parking aid  Park assist
Applies to vehicles: with park assist
The park assist will display a parking space only if it is long and wide enough for the vehicle.
The section below describes how to park parallel to the roadside. The procedure for parking perpendicular to the roadside is similar. When the park assist is activated, the diode in the button will light up and the display will change Fig. 2.
Parking parallel to the roadside: To activate the park assist, press the button Fig. 1 once. Or:
Parking perpendicular to the roadside: To activate the park assist, press the button twice.
Operate the turn signal for the side of the road on which you want to park.
Do not drive faster than 40 km/h (if parking parallel to the roadside) or 20 km/h (if parking perpendicular to the roadside). You need to be between 0.5 m and 1.5 m away from the line of parked cars.
When a parking space appears on the display Fig. 3, bring the vehicle into the correct position (but please keep your attention on the road).
If you exceed a speed of about 50 km/h, the park assist will be switched off. The diode in the  button will go out.
  • You can activate the park assist after you have already driven past a parking space (as long as you were driving slowly enough). To do so, press the  button and operate the turn signal.
  • If you operate the left turn signal, the display will show the left side of the road (and vice-versa).
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