Instruction book Audi A6 Hybrid Version year 2012
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 Audi A6, A6 hybrid, S6   Self-help   Self-help  Tow-starting / towing away
Points to observe when tow-starting or towing away
If you use a tow-rope:
Notes for the driver of the towing vehicle
The tow-rope must be taut before driving off.
Engage the clutch very gently when starting to move (manual gearbox) and/or press the accelerator slowly (automatic gearbox).
Notes for the driver of the towed vehicle
The ignition should be switched on so that the turn signals, horn, windscreen wipers and washers can be used. Please ensure that the steering wheel is unlocked when you switch on the ignition, and that it moves freely.
Put the car in neutral (if you have an automatic gearbox move the selector lever to position N).
Please note that the brake servo only works when the engine is running or when the ignition is switched on (hybrid drive*). Otherwise you will have to press the brake pedal considerably harder to make up for the lack of servo assistance.
The power steering only works when the ignition is on and the vehicle is moving. Otherwise you need much more strength to steer the vehicle than you normally would.
Ensure that the tow-rope remains taut at all times when towing.
Tow-rope or tow-bar
It is easier and safer to tow a vehicle with a towbar. You should only use a tow-rope if you do not have a tow-bar.
A tow-rope should be slightly elastic to reduce the loading on both vehicles. It is advisable to use a tow-rope made of synthetic fibre or similarly elastic material.
Attach the tow-rope or tow-bar only to the towing anchorages intended for this purpose Link or Link.
Driving technique
Towing requires some experience - especially when using a towrope. Both drivers should be familiar with the technique required for towing. Inexperienced drivers should not attempt to tow-start or tow away another vehicle.
Do not pull too hard with the towing vehicle and take care to avoid jerking the tow-rope. When towing on a loose surface there is always a risk of overloading and damaging the anchorage points.
For technical reasons, it is not possible to tow-start a vehicle with automatic gearbox.
Vehicles with manual gearbox: If the engine will not start, it is best to try starting it using the battery of another vehicle Link before attempting to tow start. You should only try to tow-start the engine if jump-starting is not successful. Tow-starting is an attempt to start the engine via the movement of the wheels.
  • Engage 2nd or 3rd gear before moving off.
  • Press the clutch and hold the pedal down.
  • Switch on the ignition.
  • Once both vehicles are moving, release the clutch.
  • As soon as the engine starts, press the clutch and put the gear lever in neutral.
Towing away
The vehicle can be towed with a tow-bar or tow-rope in the normal way, with all four wheels on the ground. When doing so, please note the following points:
  • Release the parking brake Link.
  • Put the car in neutral (if you have an automatic gearbox move the selector lever to position N).
  • The vehicle must not be towed faster than 50 km/h.
  • Automatic gearbox: The vehicle must not be towed further than 50 km. The reason for this is: when the engine is not running, the gearbox oil pump does not work and the gearbox is not adequately lubricated for higher speeds or longer distances.
Front-wheel drive: The vehicle must be towed with the front wheels raised. The reason for this is that the drive shafts are located on the front wheels. If the car is towed with the rear wheels lifted off the road (i.e. travelling backwards), the drive shafts also turn backwards. The planetary gears in the automatic gearbox then turn at such high speeds that the gearbox will be severely damaged in a short time.
Four-wheel drive: The vehicle must not be towed with the wheels lifted at either the front or rear.
Manual gearbox: There is a high risk of accidents when tow-starting, as the towed vehicle can easily be driven into the towing vehicle.
  • Manual gearbox: When tow-starting the vehicle, do not tow it further than 50 metres; otherwise the catalytic converter could be damaged.
  • If there is no oil in the gearbox or no lubricant in the automatic transmission the car may only be towed with the driven wheels lifted clear of the road, or transported on a special car transporter or trailer.
  • Note the regulations concerning towing.
  • The hazard warning lights of both vehicles must normally be switched on. However, observe any regulations to the contrary.
  • Make sure that the tow-rope is not twisted, as otherwise the front towline anchorage on your vehicle could work itself loose.
  • If it is not possible to tow the vehicle as described above, or if it has to be towed further than 50 km, it must be transported on a special car transporter or trailer.
  • Automatic gearbox: It is not possible to move the selector lever out of position P if the electrical power supply fails. Before the vehicle can be recovered/manoeuvred you must manually release the selector lever Link.
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