Instruction book Audi A6 Hybrid Version year 2012
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 Audi A6, A6 hybrid, S6   Controls   Heating and cooling  Deluxe automatic air conditioner
The basic settings for the air conditioner can be adjusted via the infotainment system.
Select: Function selector button CAR > control button (Car)* Systems > AC.
Air flow intensity*
The intensity of the air flow can be set to soft/eco, medium or strong. The eco setting is used to switch the deluxe automatic air conditioner into an economy mode.
The eco setting is automatically activated in efficiency* mode (drive select Link). However, it is possible to change the air flow intensity while in efficiency* mode. In this case, all the other efficiency* settings will remain active.
Supplementary heater*
The interior of a diesel vehicle warms up more quickly with the supplementary heater. When set to auto, the supplementary heater is controlled automatically.
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