Instruction book Audi A6 Version year 2015
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Audi A6 - 2015Self-help  Mobility   Tyre repair kit
Applies to: vehicles with tyre repair kit
Affix the sticker "max. 80 km/h", which is included in the tyre repair kit, to the dashboard where the driver will see it.
After about 10 minutes, stop to check the tyre pressure.
If tyre pressure is less than 1.3 bar, the tyre is too badly damaged. Do not drive on.
After repairing a tyre please note the following points:
  • Do not drive faster than 80 km/h.
  • Avoid heavy acceleration, hard braking and fast cornering.
  • Vehicle handling could be impaired.
  • If the tyre is too badly damaged, you should seek professional assistance.
For the sake of the environment
A used can of sealing compound can be returned to your qualified workshop for disposal.
After repairing a tyre, remember to buy a new tyre sealant can at a qualified workshop.
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