Instruction book Audi A6 Version year 2015
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Audi A6 - 2015Safety  Airbag system   Side airbags
There are a number of safety points concerning the airbag system which you should remember. This will help to reduce the risk of injury in an accident.
  • If you do not wear a seat belt, if you lean forward, or are not seated correctly while the vehicle is in motion, you are at greater risk of injury should the side airbags be triggered in an accident. This applies particularly to children if they are not properly protected by a child restraint system Link.
  • If children are not seated correctly, they are at greater risk of injury in an accident. This is particularly the case if the child is travelling on the front passenger's seat and the airbag system is triggered. This could result in serious or potentially fatal injury Link.
  • It is important not to attach any accessories (such as cup holders) to the doors. This would impair the protection offered by the side airbags.
  • The sensors for the airbags are located in the front doors. You must therefore not make any modifications to the doors or door trim (e.g. retrofitting loudspeakers), as this could impair the function of the side airbags. Any damage to the front doors could lead to faults in the system. Repairs or any other work on the front doors must therefore always be carried out by a qualified workshop.
  • The built-in coat hooks should only be used for lightweight clothing. Do not leave any heavy or sharp-edged objects in the pockets.
  • Do not apply excessive force to the sides of the backrests (such as hard knocks or kicks), as this could damage parts of the system. The side airbags could then fail to operate when required.
  • If you intend to fit protective covers over the seats, these must be of the specific type approved for use on Audi seats with side airbags. Conventional seat covers would obstruct the side airbag when it inflates out of the backrest, and seriously reduce the airbag's effectiveness.
  • Any damage to the original seat upholstery or around the seams of the side airbag units must be repaired immediately by a qualified workshop.
  • Any work involving the side airbag system or removal and installation of the airbag components for other repairs (such as repairs to the seats) must always be performed by a qualified workshop. Otherwise the airbag system may fail to work properly.
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