Instruction book Audi A6 Version year 2015
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Audi A6 -2015Safety  Safety first   Fitting child seats
Applies to: vehicles with top tether
Applies to adjustable head restraints: Push up the head restraint behind the child seat.
Push the mountings on the child seat into the ISOFIX anchorages until they engage audibly Link.
Pull on the child seat to check whether both sides have engaged properly.
Guide the top tether strap of the child seat underneath or past both sides of the head restraint (depending on the type of child seat) towards the rear.
Hook the strap into the top tether anchorage1) Fig. 1 / Fig. 2.
Pull the tether strap tight so that the top of the child seat rests securely against the backrest.
  • Note the important safety notes WARNING!, WARNING! and the instructions provided by the child seat manufacturer.
  • The anchorages in the vehicle are designed only for one child seat with ISOFIX and top tether. Do not attempt to secure other types of child seat, seat belts or other objects to these anchorages - this could result in serious or possibly fatal injury.
1) Two or three top tether anchorages are provided, depending on the equipment installed in your vehicle.
Engine Oil 1L Longlife - Audi Fleecejacke - Audi Mug Audi Beanie - Audi all-weather floor mats Genuine Audi Interior Cargo Organizer

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