Instruction book Audi A6 Version year 2015
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Audi A6 -2015Driver assistance  Driver assist systems   Audi side assist (lane change assist feature)
Applies to: vehicles with Audi side assist
The side assist function assists the driver in monitoring following traffic and the blind spots on both sides of the car. Within certain system limits, it warns you if it detects vehicles approaching quickly or travelling at about the same speed as your own vehicle in the area covered by the sensors -1- Fig. 1: if it judges a lane change to be critical, the warning lamp -2- on the exterior mirror lights up Fig. 2.
The warning lamp on the left-hand mirror assists the driver when changing lane towards the left and the warning lamp on the right-hand mirror assists the driver when changing lane towards the right.
Information mode
As long as you do not operate the turn signal, the side assist will merely inform you of the presence of vehicles that it has detected and judges to be critical. In this case, the warning lamp on the relevant exterior mirror will light up at low intensity.
The intensity of the warning lamp in this information mode is kept relatively low, so that it does not distract you while you are looking at the road in front.
Warning mode
If you operate the turn signal and the warning lamp on the relevant exterior mirror flashes brightly, the side assist is warning you of what it judges to be a critical vehicle. Please check the situation in the exterior mirror and by looking back over your shoulder WARNING!.
Applies to vehicles with active lane assist*: The warning lamp on the relevant mirror may also flash when you have not operated the turn signal. If you come close to a detected lane marking and are in danger of leaving your lane, the side assist warns you of what it judges to be a critical vehicle.
You can adjust the brightness of the warning lamp on the exterior mirror Link.
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