Applies to: allroad vehicles
When driving on rough tracks always drive slowly and be aware of possible hazards.
Please observe the following precautions if you drive the vehicle on unsurfaced tracks or off-road:
When driving off-road you are advised to avoid tracks or terrain which are not suited to the design of the car and your own driving skills and experience. Do not take risks.
Drive slowly and be ready for possible hazards.
Be aware of the maximum ground clearance of your vehicle. This may be different in actual conditions, depending on the type of surface, the surrounding terrain and the load being carried. It is the responsibility of the driver to decide whether or not the vehicle is capable of safely negotiating a particular situation.
Activate the ESC off-road mode if required
When driving down mountain roads or on steep downhill gradients make use of the downhill assist function
When driving on rough roads and off-road, use the tilt angle display
Unsurfaced tracks
On unfamiliar roads and off-road terrain, drive slowly and be prepared for unexpected obstacles, such as pot-holes, rocks or tree stumps, etc.
To prevent ground contact and possible damage to the underside, do not drive the bottom of your vehicle directly over raised obstacles. Instead, drive the wheels on one side of the car up and across the top of the obstacle.
When driving over sand or soft mud, maintain a moderate speed and avoid stopping if possible.
Driving through water on roads
Please observe the important safety warnings on