Instruction book Audi A6 Version year 2015
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Audi MMI  Rear operation  Rear Seat Entertainment (Audi tablet)   Settings
Applies to: vehicles with Audi tablet
Select: button > Settings.
You can switch the Wi-Fi on the Audi tablet on/off. You can display and change the settings for the Wi-Fi.
You can switch the Bluetooth function on the Audi tablet on/off.
To switch Bluetooth discoverability on/off: Select: button > Settings > Bluetooth > Audi tablet.
To switch NFC on/off: Select: button > Settings > More....
When this function is activated ( ) data communication via NFC is permitted when contact with other devices exists. NFC is required in order to use some types of headphones, for example Link.
You can adjust the volume of music, media and messages.
Touch tone: When this function is activated a tone is output when you tap the screen.
Device test
The Audi tablet can run a self-diagnosis routine. If the functionality of the Audi tablet is restricted, you can run the device test. Tap on an entry in the list. The status OK or Not OK will be shown and an information text will appear.
You can display the charge level of the battery and power consumption details for individual apps.
Depending on your mobile phone tariff, you may be charged for receiving data packets online, especially if you are using the system abroad. Because of the high level of data usage, we strongly recommend using an unlimited data plan.
Switch the Touch tone function off if you want to deactivate the sounds emitted when you tap on the virtual keypad.
Engine Oil 1L Longlife - Audi Fleecejacke - Audi Mug Audi Beanie - Audi all-weather floor mats Genuine Audi Interior Cargo Organizer

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