Instruction book Audi A6 Version year 2015
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Audi MMI  Rear operation  Rear Seat Entertainment (Audi tablet)   Media
Applies to: vehicles with Audi tablet and TV
You can use the teletext function to receive current information from TV channels.
Important: The Audi tablet must be connected to the MMI system.
Select: button > Media > TV > TXT button.
Calling up page content
  • Next/previous page: Swipe your finger up/down.
  • Next/previous subpage: Swipe your finger to the left/right. If no subpage is available, the next page will be called up.
-1- Direct selection via coloured buttons
Select and confirm a coloured button -1- Fig. 1. The functions of the coloured buttons depend on the selected page.
-2- Calling up the start page
Select and confirm the home button -2- Fig. 1. The start page depends on which TV channel is selected.
-3- Switching the page refresh function on/off
Select and confirm the stop button -3- Fig. 1. The automatic page refresh function (e.g. jumping to the next subpage) will be switched on/off.
-4- Changing the display option
To switch between display options, press and confirm the display options button -4- Fig. 1 repeatedly until the desired display option is selected.
  • Transparent: Teletext will cover the whole screen with the TV picture showing through in the background.
  • Split screen: The TV picture and teletext will appear next to each other.
  • Teletext as full screen: The teletext is displayed in full screen mode. The TV picture is hidden.
-5- Entering a teletext page number
To display the numeric keypad: Tap on the arrow button -5- Fig. 1.
To enter a page number: Enter a page number using the numeric keypad.
To hide the numeric keypad: Select and confirm the arrow key again.
Not all TV channels offer a teletext function.
Engine Oil 1L Longlife - Audi Fleecejacke - Audi Mug Audi Beanie - Audi all-weather floor mats Genuine Audi Interior Cargo Organizer

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