Instruction book Audi A6 Version year 2015
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Audi MMI  Communication  Telephone   Messages
Applies to vehicles: with car telephone kit or mobile phone with Bluetooth Message Access Profile
Important: A text message/e-mail must be open.
Select and confirm Options.
Delete: The open text message/e-mail will be deleted.
Call: A call will be made to the sender of the open text message/e-mail.
Reply: Enter text using the MMI touch pad* or the speller. Or: Select a text from the list of templates.
Forward: The open text message/e-mail can be forwarded to another recipient.
Navigate to: If position coordinates or a navigation destination are available in the sender's directory entry, it is possible to navigate to the sender of the open text message/e-mail.
Extract number: Any telephone numbers contained in the text message/e-mail can be displayed and used.
Messages deleted using the MMI are also automatically deleted on the mobile phone.
Engine Oil 1L Longlife - Audi Fleecejacke - Audi Mug Audi Beanie - Audi all-weather floor mats Genuine Audi Interior Cargo Organizer

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