Instruction book Audi A5 Version Year 2017
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Audi A5 Infotainment System settings
The time can be set manually or via GPS*, .
Select: MENU button > Settings > left control button > MMI settings > Date & time.
Or: Select: MENU button > Car > left control button > Vehicle settings > Date & time.
Set automatically
The time and date are automatically updated when this function is switched on .
Important: The Set automatically function must be deactivated.
Press the rotary pushbutton. You can adjust the time manually by turning and pressing the rotary pushbutton.
Important: The Set automatically function must be deactivated.
Press the rotary pushbutton. You can adjust the date manually by turning and pressing the rotary pushbutton.
Time zone
When selecting the correct time zone, a list of corresponding countries is displayed as an example.
Automatic time zone*,
When this function is activated , the time is automatically adjusted to the relevant time zone.
Automatic summer time*,
When this function is activated , the time is automatically adjusted from normal time to summer time.
Time format
When this option is set to 24h, for example 13:00 will be displayed as the time. When it is set to AM/PM, for example 1:00 PM will be displayed.
Date format
When this option is set to DD.MM.YYYY, for example 31.08.2018 will be displayed as the date. When it is set to MM/DD/YYYY, for example 08/31/2018 will be displayed. When it is set to YYYY-MM-DD, for example 31/08/2018 will be displayed.
Engine Oil 1L Longlife - Audi Fleecejacke - Audi Mug Audi Beanie - Audi all-weather floor mats Genuine Audi Interior Cargo Organizer

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