Instruction book Audi A5 Version Year 2017
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Audi A5 Infotainment Telephone Further settings
Applies to: vehicles with seat belt microphone
The seat belt microphone is ideally positioned for the best possible communication quality when using the handsfree system, irrespective of your height and sitting position.
Fig. 209 Seat belt microphone
Fig. 209 Seat belt microphone
The seat belt microphone is activated as soon as you put on the seat belt. Make sure that the microphones are on the outside of the seat belt fig. 209.
When the driver s seat belt is unbuckled, the system switches from the seat belt microphone to the roof microphone.
  • If you switch off*, the front passenger s airbag, the front passenger s seat belt microphone is deactivated even if the belt is buckled.
  • If the opening for a microphone is dirty, this can impair the quality of handsfree communication. In this case, clean the seat belt microphone using a fine brush.
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