Instruction book Audi A5 Version Year 2017
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Audi A5 Driver assistanc... Driver assist sy... Predictive effi...
Applies to: vehicles with predictive efficiency assist
Intelligent coasting*,
Select the following on the infotainment system: MENU button > Car > left control button > Driver assist > Efficiency assist.
When this function is activated, coasting or overrun (with engine braking effect) is activated, depending on the situation link.
Predictive messages*,
Select the following on the infotainment system: MENU button > Car > left control button > Driver assist > Efficiency assist.
Predictive tips are displayed when this function is activated.
Predictive control*,
Select the following on the infotainment system: MENU button > Car > left control button > Driver assist > Audi adaptive cruise control > Predictive control.
Use speed limit - The cruising speed is adjusted to observe any impending speed limits when this function is activated. A tolerance can be applied. In this case, priority is given to efficiency and the actual vehicle speed may temporarily exceed or fall below the set speed as a result. There can therefore be a delay before an impending speed limit is observed.
Adaptation to route ahead - When this function is activated, the system responds automatically to the road conditions ahead, for example by reducing the speed for corners.
  • Automatic gearbox: Predictive tips are not displayed on vehicles which do not have a navigation system. Intelligent coasting mode can be activated directly in the Efficiency assist menu.
  • Manual gearbox: The predictive tips can be activated directly via the Efficiency assist menu on vehicles which have a navigation system.
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