Instruction book Audi A5 Version Year 2017
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Audi A5 Setting off Soft top (folding... Power-operated soft...
Applies to: vehicles with soft top
Soft top: fault. You can continue driving (limited functionality). See owner s manual
This message will appear if a system malfunction occurs. Try to open or close the soft top again. If the driver message still appears, drive to a qualified workshop (but do not exceed 50 km/h) and have the fault rectified.
Soft top: rear seats occupied. Cannot run automatically. See owner s manual
This message appears if passengers or objects are detected on the rear seats when you are trying to open or close the soft top. Please ensure that there are no objects on the rear seats, and that rear passengers keep clear of the soft top while it is opening or closing.
Soft top: malfunction! You can continue driving
This message will appear if a system malfunction occurs. Try to open or close the soft top again. If the message still appears, have the malfunction repaired by a qualified workshop.
Soft top: operation currently not possible
If the soft top is operated repeatedly, the overload cut-off is activated for approx. 15 to 30 minutes. You can open/close the soft top again after this period.
Soft top: operation currently not possible. Engine must be running
The power-operated soft top is deactivated if the battery voltage is too low. You can open/close the soft top again after starting the engine.
Soft top: operation not possible
This message will appear if a malfunction occurs. The soft top can be operated manually link.
Never drive if the soft top not correctly locked in place. There is a danger that the fabric could be caught by the airstream and blown open. This could cause an accident, possibly resulting in personal injury or damage to the car.
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