Instruction book AUDI A5 VERSION YEAR 2012
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 Audi MMI   Navigation   Navigation  Other settings
Select: Function selector button NAV > control button Settings > Route criteria.
The route is calculated according to various criteria.
Dyn. traffic avoidance
When the dynamic traffic avoidance function is on, the route is automatically optimised using the most current TMC traffic information.
If the navigation system does not display a detour route although the dynamic traffic avoidance function is on and a traffic jam has been reported on the planned route, this is because the estimated time required for the detour is longer than the estimated time required for remaining on the route with the traffic jam.
Alternative routes
When this function is on, up to three suggested routes and their characteristics are displayed in the legend menu on the MMI display.
In the map display the route which was calculated on the basis of your criteria is highlighted.
The following information is displayed for the suggested routes (if available):
  • Distance to destination and estimated time of arrival
  • Symbols for motorways, toll roads and ferry crossings on the planned route.
Turn and press the rotary pushbutton to select the possible alternative routes.
Route options
You can select a short, fast or econcomical route.
Motorway / vignette / toll road / tunnel / ferry / motorail
If you do not want the navigation system to include motorways, vignette/toll roads, tunnels, ferries or motorail transit routes in the route calculation, you can set the option avoid.
Closed cert. t/d
Select avoid to exclude roads that are closed at certain times of the day (e.g. pedestrian zones) from the route calculation. When auto is selected, the MMI system will determine whether the restricted road can be included in the route calculation based on the entries stored in the navigation data.
Seasonally restricted
Select avoid to exclude roads that are closed during certain seasons (e.g. mountain passes) from the route calculation. When auto is selected, the MMI system will determine whether the seasonally restricted road can be included in the route calculation based on the entries stored in the navigation data.
If one of the selected criteria is unavoidable (i.e. the route must contain the undesired criterion), the system will automatically calculate the route accordingly.
Engine Oil 1L Longlife - Audi Fleecejacke - Audi Mug Audi Beanie - Audi all-weather floor mats Genuine Audi Interior Cargo Organizer

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