Instruction book AUDI A5 VERSION YEAR 2012
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 Audi MMI   Communication   Directory  Importing contacts
You can import a telephone number into an existing contact in the directory.
Important: You must be creating a new contact in the directory Link, or you must be editing an existing contact in the local MMI memory (public/private) Link.
Turn the rotary pushbutton to Phone numbers and press the rotary pushbutton.
Turn the rotary pushbutton to New number and press to confirm. The input menu will appear on the MMI display.
Turn the rotary pushbutton to Phone number and press the rotary pushbutton. The speller will appear on the MMI display Link.
Turn the speller to List and press the rotary pushbutton. The menu Import from will appear on the MMI display.
Turn the rotary pushbutton to select the call list (e.g. Numbers dialled) from which you would like to import a telephone number and press the rotary pushbutton. A list of telephone numbers will appear in the MMI display.
Turn the rotary pushbutton to mark a telephone number and press to confirm. The telephone number is automatically imported and stored in the address card.
You can of course also enter a telephone number directly into the entry field for Phone number (using the speller) without using the import function.
If the functions are greyed out, please check that the car telephone kit is switched on and that your mobile phone is bonded to the car telephone kit/the SIM card has been inserted in the SIM card reader* or handset* for the car telephone kit. Also check that there are telephone numbers in the call lists of your car telephone kit, mobile phone or SIM card.
In Audi A5s with phone pre-installation the import function depends on what mobile phone you are using. Functions that appear in grey lettering cannot be selected. For up-to-date information on which mobile phones are supported, please see the Internet (e.g. or contact an Audi dealer.
Engine Oil 1L Longlife - Audi Fleecejacke - Audi Mug Audi Beanie - Audi all-weather floor mats Genuine Audi Interior Cargo Organizer

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