Instruction book AUDI A5 VERSION YEAR 2012
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 Audi MMI   First steps  General operation
The time will appear on the display of the driver information system and in the status line of the MMI display.
Calling up the Time menu
Press the function selector button marked MENU.
Press the Time control button.
Setting the time source
Turn the rotary pushbutton to Time source and press to confirm.
Turn the rotary pushbutton to manual/GPS* or auto* and press the rotary pushbutton.
Setting the time manually
Turn the rotary pushbutton to Time and press to confirm. The hour display will be highlighted in white on the MMI display.
To set the hour, turn the rotary pushbutton clockwise or anti-clockwise and press it. The minute display will then be highlighted in white on the MMI display.
To set the minutes, turn the rotary pushbutton clockwise or anti-clockwise.
Confirm the time setting by pressing the rotary pushbutton.
Setting the time format
Turn the rotary pushbutton to Time format and press the rotary pushbutton.
Turn the rotary pushbutton to 24h or AM/PM and press to confirm.
Setting the summer time automatically*/manually
Turn the rotary pushbutton to Automatic summer time or Manual summer time and press the rotary pushbutton.
Turn the rotary pushbutton to on or off and press to confirm.
Setting the time zone
Turn the rotary pushbutton to Time zone and press to confirm. A world map will appear on the MMI display.
To set the time zone, turn the rotary pushbutton clockwise or anti-clockwise. The selected time zone will be highlighted in white on the world map, and examples of corresponding countries will be listed on the display.
Press the rotary pushbutton to confirm the time zone selection.
Setting the date
Turn the rotary pushbutton to Date and press the rotary pushbutton. The date display will then be highlighted in white on the MMI display.
To set the day, turn the rotary pushbutton clockwise or anti-clockwise and press it. The month display will then be highlighted in white on the MMI display.
To set the month, turn the rotary pushbutton clockwise or anti-clockwise and press it. The year display will then be highlighted in white on the MMI display.
To set the year, turn the rotary pushbutton clockwise or anti-clockwise.
Confirm the entry for the date by pressing the rotary pushbutton.
Setting the date format
Turn the rotary pushbutton to Date format and press it.
To set the date format "Day.Month", turn the rotary pushbutton to DD.MM and press it.
To set the date format "Month/Day", turn the rotary pushbutton to MM/DD and press it.
  • If the Time source is set to GPS or auto, the time and date are set via GPS or radio-controlled clock depending on the Time zone (selected manually). If you take your Audi A5 into a different time zone, the time zone will have to be adjusted manually on the MMI.
  • On Audi A5s with hybrid drive, the time settings can be found in the Setup MMI menu.
Engine Oil 1L Longlife - Audi Fleecejacke - Audi Mug Audi Beanie - Audi all-weather floor mats Genuine Audi Interior Cargo Organizer

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