Entering letters, numbers and symbols
Turn the rotary pushbutton and select the letter, number or symbol with the pointer -1- Fig. 1. The selected character will appear larger in the selection ring -2-.
To apply the letter, number or symbol, press the rotary pushbutton. Your entry will appear in the entry field -10-.
After entering all the characters, turn the rotary pushbutton to OK -6- and press the rotary pushbutton, or
Press the control button for OK.
Deleting letters, numbers and symbols
Use the rotary pushbutton to turn the pointer to
-12- Fig. 2 and press the rotary pushbutton, or

Press the control button for
Delete -12-.

To delete all characters in the entry field, press and hold the rotary pushbutton/control button for
Delete until no characters are displayed in the entry field.

In some cases (e.g. in the navigation* menu) certain letters are not available for selection if they are an illogical option. This means that you can only select those letters that are offered as a logical possibility for this entry.
Use the speller for numbers to enter special characters (such as a hyphen or full stop).