Instruction book Audi A4 Version Year 2014
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 Audi A4   Controls  Driver information system
Applies to Audi A4s: with gear-change indicator
This additional indicator function can help to save fuel.
To familiarise yourself with the gear-change indicator, drive in the normal way to start with. A gear change will be recommended if the gear you are in is not the most economical choice. If no gear change is recommended, you are already in the most economical gear.
Audi A4s with manual gearbox
Meaning of the symbols in the display Fig. 1:
  • Change up a gear: The suggested gear appears to the right of the current gear when a higher gear is recommended.
  • Change down a gear: The suggested gear appears to the left of the current gear when a lower gear is recommended.
The gear you are currently in and the recommended gear will be displayed. Gears may occasionally be skipped (3 > 5).
Audi A4s with automatic gearbox
The display is only visible in tiptronic mode Link.
The symbol on the display Fig. 2 means change up a gear.
The gear-change indicator is intended to help save fuel. It is not intended to recommend the right gear for all driving situations. In certain situations, only the driver can choose the correct gear (for instance when overtaking, driving up a steep gradient or towing a trailer).
The gear-change indicator in the instrument cluster goes out when you press the clutch pedal*.
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