Applies to: vehicles with telephone
- To answer a call: Select and confirm Answer.
- To decline a call: Select and confirm Ignore.
- To mute an active call: Select and confirm Mute.
- To end a call/cancel the dialling process: Select and confirm End call.
Caller information: Depending on whether the caller is stored in the directory and whether the telephone number is transmitted with the call, the caller s name, his/her telephone number or
Unknown will appear on the infotainment display. A photo of the caller may also be shown if one has been assigned to the contact in your mobile phone and transmitted to the MMI. You can find out if your mobile phone supports this function by asking your mobile network provider, consulting your mobile phone s operating manual or visiting www.audi.com/bluetooth.
- Media playback or the radio is muted automatically during a call.
- A symbol is displayed in the status line of the infotainment display if there are any missed calls -9- Fig. ► .