Select: NAV button > control button Tour.
Calculate alternative routes
Up to three suggested routes and their characteristics are displayed in the map's legend menu.
The route which was calculated on the basis of your criteria is highlighted. In addition the distance to the destination and the estimated time of arrival will be displayed. You can use the rotary pushbutton to select the possible alternative routes.
You can use the Via function to determine the course of the alternative route yourself.
It is only possible to calculate alternative routes for individual destinations.
Route list
The route list is only visible when the route guidance function is active; it contains information on the route, street names and the length of the route sections. On motorways, potential parking areas and service stations will be displayed. You can select them as e.g. a stopover.
Exclude route
When route guidance is activated, a section of the calculated route that you have set will be avoided if possible. The navigation system will calculate an alternative route.
The blocking of the route that you have entered applies only to the current route guidance; if required, the route section to be avoided must be re-entered.
If you exclude a route section, this section will be hatched in red and white on the map.
Information on country
With this option you can view the speed limits for towns and country roads in the country you have selected. This information is displayed automatically when you cross a border.