- Fig. 1 A driver not wearing a seat belt can be thrown forwards
- Fig. 2 A rear passenger not wearing a seat belt can be thrown forwards
Passengers not wearing seat belts risk fatal injuries in the event of an accident.
In a frontal collision, unbelted passengers will be thrown forwards and make violent contact with the steering wheel, dashboard, windscreen, etc Fig. 1. Passengers not wearing their belts risk being thrown out of the car, resulting in potentially fatal injuries.
The common belief that occupants can brace their weight with their hands in a minor collision is false. Even at low speeds the forces acting on the body in a collision are so great that it is not possible to hold yourself in the seat.
It is also important for the rear passengers to wear seat belts, as they could otherwise be thrown forwards violently in an accident. Rear passengers who do not use seat belts endanger not only themselves but also the other occupants Fig. 2.