Instruction book Audi A3 Version Year 2013
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Audi A3  Controls  Doors and windows   Child-proof catches
Applies to vehicles: with electric child safety switches (A3 Sportback/A3 Saloon)
The child safety switches disable the rear windows and prevent the rear doors from being opened from the inside.
To activate the child safety switches on the rear doors, press the left/right button on the driver's door Fig. 1. The LED in the button will light up.
To deactivate the child safety switches on the rear doors, press the left/right button on the driver's door. The LED in the button will go out.
The following functions are disabled by the child safety switches:
  • Door handle on the inside of the corresponding rear door,
  • Electric window in the corresponding rear door,
  • The switches for the interior lighting.
To activate the child safety switches on both sides, you need to press the buttons one after the other.
Driver message
Child-proof catch: system fault!
If this message appears, the child safety switches cannot be switched on. Drive to a qualified workshop soon and have the fault rectified. To prevent the rear doors from being opened from the inside, engage the mechanical child-proof catches Link.
Always take the key with you when leaving the vehicle - even if you only intend to be gone for a short time. This is especially important if children are left in the car. They might otherwise be able to start the engine or use power-operated equipment such as the electric windows - this could lead to injuries.
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