You can access the most important functions of your Twitter account via the MMI.
Important: You must have a Twitter account and your vehicle must be connected to myAudi.
Select and confirm a category, for example Tweets.
You can choose the following categories in the Twitter menu:
- Tweets: All the tweets you have created are listed.
- Home: All the tweets from people you are following are displayed.
- Following: Everyone you are following is displayed.
- Followers: Everyone who is following you is displayed.
Depending on the Twitter category chosen, different Functions will be available to you:
- New tweet: With the help of templates, you can send a tweet.
- Refresh:The Twitter function selected is updated.
- Favourite: You can "favourite" a tweet to show that you like it.
- Retweet: You can repost a tweet to share it with other people.
- Further settings (such as your account, language, Tweet privacy, and location settings) cannot be changed in the MMI. If you wish to change anything in these menus, please do so on the Twitter website itself.
- You can only connect one Twitter account to your myAudi account.
- Audi connect enables access to the Twitter service. Audi cannot guarantee that this service will be available indefinitely; this is the responsibility of Twitter.